Test Strips Coaguchek Xs Pt x 48

Code: RO04625315019
Roche CoaguChek XS PT Test Strips Compatible with Roche's XS and XS Plus diagnostic meters, CoaguChek XS PT Strips have a unique on-board control system using single channel technology to ensure accurate results every day. The strips are cost-effective, and remove the need to use additional control solutions. They can be stored at room temperature, allowing them to be kept next to the meter for instant use. Features Supplied in containers of 48 or 24 strips On-board control removes need for additional control solutions Can be stored at room temperature


What is it?

Blood testing machine, Expanding coagulation testing in the Hospital Point of Care setting

What is it used for?

The CoaguChek monitor is a hand-held device that is used to measure the international normalised ratio (INR) in individuals taking warfarin. The INR is a laboratory measurement used to determine the effects of oral anticoagulants (warfarin) on the clotting system