Test Strips Coaguchek Xs Pt x 24

Code: RO04625358019
Accutrend Plus uses specially designed superior quality test strips. The test strips contain: a yellow protective mesh, impregnated with a surfactant (application field) a glass fiber fleece that works as a separating layer for blood cells a reaction film in which the color formation takes place and a bar code on the reverse side, which is read by the meter to confirm test strip identity, i.e. the lot number on the test strip is congruent with the stored code


What is it?

Blood testing machine, Expanding coagulation testing in the Hospital Point of Care setting

What is it used for?

The CoaguChek monitor is a hand-held device that is used to measure the international normalised ratio (INR) in individuals taking warfarin. The INR is a laboratory measurement used to determine the effects of oral anticoagulants (warfarin) on the clotting system