Pregnancy Test (Alere) Easy (Formerly Clearview) D/ST x 20

Code: A11UPK009
(exc VAT)

Alere™ hCG Easy pregnancy test is a rapid diagnostic device for the qualitative detection of human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) in urine. The presence and rapid rise of hCG levels in urine make it an excellent marker for the diagnosis of pregnancy. The Alere™ hCG Easy pregnancy test can detect pregnancy as early as the first day of a missed period.

Alere™ hCG Easy pregnancy test offers the flexibility of 4 easy sampling procedures with different sampling and read times allowing selection of the best option for your site:

•Dip and leave
•Urine stream

With proven accuracy of >99%, the Alere™ hCG Easy pregnancy test is both simple and easy to use. The Alere™ hCG Easy pregnancy test has an in built procedural control giving you confidence that the test has been performed correctly.