Cervix Sampling Brush x 25 (Arrow Type)

Code: CPNCD-730210
The Cervex-Brush® ORIGINAL is an endocervical cell collection device for simultaneously collecting cervical and endocervical cells by the clinician during a pap smear. Ideal for use in collecting OBGYN specimens for liquid base cytology procedures. The Cervex-Brush® Combi is a new patented, high tech product capable of delivering higher cellular yield of endocervical cells than the traditional Cervex-Brush®. Laboratory tests have also indicated presence of oncogenic HPV type cells which will encourage other applications for the Cervex-Brush® Combi. The Cervex-Brush® Combi was developed for two main reasons. For current users of the Cervex-Brush® a perfect smear can be made in the majority of the cases if the instructions for use are followed properly. In a small percentage of cases (stenotic os or narrow entry of the endocervical canal) sometimes a more rigid endocervical sample is needed.