Model Anatomical Flexible Hip

Manufacturer: ANATOMY STUFF
Code: AS1000161

Flexible Anatomical Hip Model

A functional, fully flexible hip model for demontrating anatomy and mechanics of the human hip joint.

functional hip model by 3B Scientific consisting of a life-size replica of a portion of the femur bones and pelvis, and includes the hip ligaments surrounding the joint. The A81 / 1000161 anatomy model is fully flexible to allow demonstration of the normal range of movement of the hip joint including abduction, flexion, exension, and internal/external rotation.

The A81 hip model provides a graphic demonstration of the mechanics of the human hip joint, ideal for aiding student or patient understanding of the anatomy of the hip.

The hip joint model comes with a removable stand included.

This model comes with 3B Scientific 3B Smart Anatomy app included for FREE. This features access to an anatomy course, including 3 digital anatomy lectures, 117 different virtual anatomy models and 39 anatomy quizzes. It also offers a FREE warranty upgrade from 3 to 5 years with every product registration. To unlock these benefits, scan the label located on your 3B Scientific anatomy model and register online.