Sorbsan Silver Ribbon With Plastic Probe 40cm/1g x 5

Code: AKAG1412
Note: This product is temporarily unavailable.

Sorbsan Silver Ribbon with Plastic Probe, 40cm / 1g, Box of 5 Sorbsan Silver’s properties make it ideal for managing cavity wounds; the fibres (1.5% silver alginate fibres) absorb exudate and form an antimicrobial gel which fully contours the wound bed for maximum effect, providing optimal conditions to support healing. The gelled Sorbsan Silver fibres can be irrigated away from the wound with normal saline 0.9% for pain free removal . Sorbsan Silver Ribbon dressings come with a plastic probe to help assess the wound before dressing. When to use Sorbsan Silver Ribbon: Sorbsan Silver Ribbon may be used in cavity wounds where there is a moderate to high level of exudate. Sorbsan Silver Ribbon is suitable for use in smaller, wet cavity wounds such as sinus’ and is therefore suitable for the management of abscesses and sinus’ resulting from: • Pilonidal sinus’ • Pressure sores • Post-operative wounds • Fungating lesions Sorbsan Silver Ribbon may be used on wounds which are infected or are likely to become infected.