Dca Vantage Analyser Microalbumin Control Kit

Code: BT6916803
Siemens DCA Vantage™ Microalbumin Control Kit

The new DCA Vantage Analyser is the point of care diabetes system that gives you the most proven, clinically relevant menu available today, delivering enhanced HbA1C and Microalbumin testing results including A:C Ratio.
• HbA1C and A:C Ratio testing in just six and
seven minutes, respectively
• Increases patient comfort by requiring a
small blood sample (1uL) for HbA1C
• Provides HbA1C patient trend graph
Improved clinical confidence:
• Proven to provide accurate and precise labquality results
• Optional barcode patient data entry to
reduce transcription errors
Enhanced productivity:
• Onboard printed results; eliminates
transcription errors and saves time
• Large memory stores up to 4000 records,
easily downloaded and transferred to a PC
Proven simplicity:
• Add sample to test cartridge, load, and
walk away
• No sample or reagent preparation
• Colour touch screen display for easy menu
navigation, data entry and recall
• Minimal maintenance required with automatic reminders


What is it?

The DCA Vantage Analyzer is a point-of-care analyzer for diabetes management. It offers simple, convenient testing for HbA1c, Albumin, Creatinine, and Albumin-to-Creatinine (A:C) Ratio tests to improve patient outcomes

What is it used for?

Monitor glycemic control and diabetes complications using an analyzer designed to make consultations easier. Fast, actionable test results enable you to determine the effectiveness of a treatment plan, make therapeutic adjustments with confidence, and be more certain whether patients are complying with your recommendations.