Miller Laryngoscope Blades - Disposable x 10

Laryngoscope Blade Miller 00 Disposable x 10
Laryngoscope Blade Miller 00 Disposable x 10
Code: AW600.020.0000SU
Laryngoscope Blade Miller 0 Disposable x 10
Laryngoscope Blade Miller 0 Disposable x 10
Code: AW600.020.000SU
Laryngoscope Blade Miller 1 Disposable x 10
Laryngoscope Blade Miller 1 Disposable x 10
Code: AW600.020.001SU
Miller SU Blades

• Disposable x 10

All Opticlar disposable blades have the following featues:

• Low profile heels for easier visualisation and less risk of dental damage
• Acrylic light core with 'Glare Guard' to minimise light loss and reduce dazzle
• Minimal light core intrusion into blade reducing dazzle. Light exits where it should, at the end of the blade and not along the blade. This ensures excellent light tranmission into the laryngopharynx without distracting dazzle from the light core
• Solidly mounted heel and blade assesmble to minimise possible blade breakage and conventional locating ball bearings
• Smooth blade design that mimics reusable blades and ensures light outputs at correct position
• Economical price
• Popular sizes and blade designs.

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